Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The First Purchase

In chapter 12, Calpurnia brings Jem and Scout to church with her. However, this is not just any normal church that Jem and Scout usually go to, this is a church made for colored people. While their time at the First Purchase, Jem and Scout learn many things about Calpurnia that they had never known. They also learn about the differences between their church and the First Purchase, the church Calpurnia goes to. Based on my thoughts after reading, what I think Jem and Scout were feeling while their time at First Purchase was a mixture of a little fear, shock, and curiosity.
The reason as to why I think that Jem and Scout may have felt a little fear is because they were in an environment that they were not used to, a church specifically made for colored people. What also may have caused fear in them was their encounter with Lula. Lula seemed already scary to Scout as Scout was most intrigued by her tall height. While the exchange between Lula and Calpurnia was happening about whether or not Calpurnia should bring white children to a colored church, Jem even mentioned about leaving since it seemed like him and Scout were not welcomed. However, Zeebo then stepped in and told Scout and Jem that they are glad to have them here for church. The reason as to why I think that Jem and Scout felt shock was because of the condition of the church. Scout noticed that in the church, there were no hymn books. Scout asked Calpurnia why, and she explained to her that even if they did raise money to buy hymn books, it would not even be worth it, because a large percentage of the people at the church do not know how to read, they are illiterate. After learning this, Scout and Jem were shocked, because both of them and even Dill knew how to read. The church was also in poor condition as it was unceiled and unpainted within. There were also unlighted kerosine lamps, pine benches, and a faded pink banner. It seemed like Jem and Scout were not used to the poor condition of the church.Lastly, the reason as to why I think that the First Purchase sparked curiosity in Jem and Scout is because after church and some moments during church, they had a lot of questions. Most of the questions were related to either Helen (Tom Robinson's wife), Calpurnia, and the church. They also asked many questions as to why Calpurnia speaks differently at church than when she is at home. The First Purchase was really a new experience for Jem and Scout. They discovered many new things that they did not know before, and they had a new and different experience at the First Purchase.
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When Jem and Scout are watching Calpurnia and Lula argue about whether they should be at the First Purchase or not

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your reason that Scout and Jem had a little fear because they haven't been in an environment like that and it is their first time going there. I also agree with your other reason why they were sparked with curiosity because they haven't heard these things before and it is their first time going there. They felt a lot of emotions while going to the church and in the church because they don't know what to do. Good job summarizing the story and giving reasons to why Scout and Jem acted the way they did.
