Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Boo Radley's Personallity

At first people think that Boo Radley is a bad person, because of all the rumors you hear about him, you make up what he is like in your mind, and that is exactly what Jem, Scout, and Dill have done. All three of them have pictured what Boo Radley is like based off of rumors, but they don't know for sure what Boo is exactly like. Rumors have told us that he is a murderer, squirrel eating, basically a monster, but what the children know that he covered them with a warm blanket, maybe stitched up Jem's pants, and maybe is putting things in the knothole of a tree. I don't think that an animal eating murderer would do all of these things. Even if Boo didn't stitch up Jem's pants or if he wasn't putting things in the knothole of the tree, Atticus trusts Boo around his children, because he saw Boo put the blanket over Scout's shoulders. 

I personally think that Boo is actually a kind person. I don't think that he is an animal eating murderer, instead I think that he has been the one watching the children play around and have fun. I think that Boo Radley is a kind person, but after being shut up in the house everyday, maybe he has a mental disability like Lennie. If Boo had a mental disability, maybe that is why he is in the house all day, instead of socializing with the neighborhood. Also, another idea in why Boo won't come out of his house is because the people of Maycomb are ignorant, except for some, so Boo could be scared that when he does leave his house, people will have already made up their mind in what he is like based off of all the rumors they have heard. I wish that the people of Maycomb were better, but they are not. I hope that if we finally get to meet Boo Radley he is a nice person, not an animal eating murderer. 

1 comment:

  1. Good job with your blog comment Kaylee! I also agree with you, I also think that Boo is a kind person who is just misunderstood. I have also though that Boo could have some sort of mental or physical disability or has anxiety because he has been locked up in a house for some time and barely spends time with the people of Maycomb. And yeah, the people in Maycomb should be less ignorant but most of them don't know any better. Overall, great job.
