Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 15

In chapter 15, it was decided that Dill would be able to stay in Maycomb which made almost everyone happy. During the summer Dill, Jem, and Scout improved the tree house and tried to come up with plans to make Boo come out of his house(the kids had taken sympathy of Boo). but the main part of the chapter was surrounded with the case of Tom Robinson. Mr. Heck came to tell them that Tom was going to be transferred to the Maycomb prison but they feared that the mobs would go to the jail and kill him. They wanted to kill him because they believed that if a white person accused an African American person of rape, they were guilty but this case was a little different. Bob Ewell was the one accusing (basically the plaintiff) Tom but the mobs knew the Ewells were not really known for being honest people and they feared there system would collapse. so they wanted to end Tom, in order to keep the "system" the same. the people of Maycomb saw Tom's case as a entertainment, they thought watching a Innocent man get sentenced to death was something fun and it had become more "entertainment" because for the first time a lawyer was actually going to try to defend Tom.
Later, that night Scout, Jem, and Dill decide to go to look for Atticus. The go to town and find him at the jail, trying to watch over Tom Robinson who is in potential danger. Atticus didn't bring any guns with him even though hes the best shot in Maycomb, he was going to be civilized and would talk to the mobs. However, Scout, Jem, and Dill appeared and Scout called out Mr. Cunningham and made him step into the shoes of her father, who was patience and understanding. the mobs were impressed and decided to leave Tom alone. It toke words of a little girl to stop them. Atticus was also impressed by his daughter. after the mobs left, they all headed home. In my opinion the thing Scout did was very impressive. She confronted a bunch of grown ups who were going to kill someone. She potentially saved Tom's life by breaking Mr. Cunningham's mob mentality, she pointed him out and made him feel ashamed. This was a true act of bravery. From Scout and Atticus. They both were facing dangerous people with words.


  1. I agree with that what Scout did, breaking Mr. Cunningham's mob mentality was impressive. Even though she had no idea what she was doing, it was really moving and beautiful, in a way. She didn't even now she saved Tom Robinson's life, and she's just a little eight-year old girl. You're right, Scout and Atticus have true courage, talking to men with murder on their minds with nothing but reasoning, even though again, Scout had no idea the magnitude of what she did.

  2. You had a good summary of the chapter. Yea Scout destroying Mr.Cunninghams mob mentality with just her childhood innocence was brave and impressive, I agree. Yes, she did basically save TomÅ› life. It was a true act of bravery/courage using just words.
