Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Sam Bautista Blog Post

So at the end of chapter, we read that Atticus is handed a gun, to shoot a mad dog(Rabies), and he fixes his glasses but drops them, and breaks. Thats unfortunate. So he aims then shoots, the gun cracks, and after, the neighborhood came out of their houses to see if the dog had died, atticus then says he would of prefered a shotgun, he then gets into the sheriff’s car, and he, and the sheriff drive away. So we read into a little bit into the next chapter, and it started out on scout talking about the old lady Mrs.Dubose , and how she doesn’t want to encounter her again because of her previous encounters with her. One day she heard them calling Atticus, Atticus, and she became furious about it, and question why he didn’t remarry after, their mother died. On Jem’s birthday, he and jem walked by her house, and she started talking to them,and one of the sayings she said was that Atticus was no better than the ******* and trash that he works for, but jem kept his temper through all of it, and scout learned years later that a phase of self conscious rectitude had entered him to keep his temper, but after he grabbed scouts baton and cut every single flower Mrs. Dubose owned, then snapped the baton in half, when Atticus came back home he called Jem and and him go to her house, and apologize, when he came back he told him what his punishment was for him.  

Both the end of the chapter, and the beginning, were intense. Atticus shot a dog, and Jem and scout were told that he was the deadliest shot but put his gun down after he learned he had an unfair advantage over most living things. Mrs.Dubose should be the definition of mean in the dictionary. I can’t believe that she called Atticus trash, even though he only says nice things to her. I would of done more than what Jem did, for me I would not let the pride of my family be challenged in that way, even if my own father told me it was wrong, I would not allow that. I wouldn’t even let it pass with in old lady, because i’m sure she knows what she is saying, she is not a child. If a child said it I would let it slide because they don’t know what they’re saying they probably just picked up the words, and put it in a sentence, but anyways this would be my favorite part of the book that we have read so far.

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