Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, November 26, 2018


Image result for st. thomas law school courtroomThe mock trial was such a fun experience, I had so much fun being the prosecution lawyer. It was fun to conduct an opening statement and trying to memorize my lines to make it a better experience for myself. I liked putting some emotion into my lines and putting in some action into it. I loved touring the campus, and even though it felt like we were going in circles, it was still fun to experience. I am glad that we all got the chance to go, and I wish we could go again, and see more of the school. I am glad we got to have that experience that probably no other school gets to do, and I can't wait until our next field trip. 
Image result for st. thomas law school courtroom
I thought that everyone did very well with their parts. Such as the other lawyers, witnesses, etc. I thought that we had a great trial, and there wasn't a clear winner of the case until we heard the verdict. I am glad that my side one, and I am going to boast about winning in the future. Even though the prosecution won, I thought the defense had a great trial, but I am glad that we beat them. Even though it was tough to conduct an opening statement and memorize lines, I would still do it all of again. 

1 comment:

  1. The mock trial really was a fun experience! You did really well and put in a lot of emotion. Everyone really did well in their parts for sure, and I can't wait for our next field trip as well!
