Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Deadliest Shot

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Tim Johnson
In chapter 9, Jem and Scout see a dog roaming the streets the dogs name is "Tim Johnson." Mr. Harry Johnson was the owner of Tim, Jem decided to tell Calpurnia about the dog. At first Calpernia thinks that Jem is making a story up about the dog, as Jem went more into detail she began to believe him. Jem showed her where the dog was, when she saw the dog she ran the children back home and dialed Atticus. She explained to him about the mad dog and told him that the dog is heading his way into the neighborhood. Calpernia began to call everyone in the neighborhood to stay inside and she began to bang on the Radley's door to not come out. Atticus and Mr. Heck Tate, he was the sheriff of Maycomb.  The dog began to walk closer to them, Mr. Heck Tate and Atticus began to debate who should shoot the dog. Mr. Heck Tate was insisting that Atticus should shoot, Atticus didn't want too.  The dog entered into the Radley's front yard, Atticus had finally grabbed the gun and shot Tim Robinson. As Atticus returned to town, Miss Maudie began to tell Scout and Jem that back in the day when Atticus was a boy. He used to be nicknamed "Ol' One-Shot" he was the deadest shot in Maycomb county, she explains that he stopped shooting guns because he realized that God had given him an unfair advantage over most living things. Scout wants to tell everyone at school about Atticus being the deadliest shot in Maycomb, Jem tells her that they can't Atticus might want them to know before spreading it.

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Jem and Scouts mood
I think that when Atticus was younger he might have done many things that he hasn't told Jem and Scout about. When Atticus was handed the gun, Jem and Scout nearly passed out. It was the first time they have ever seen Atticus hold a gun, when the got their air rifles for christmas. They were told that Atticus didn't like guns and the he wasn't very good at it. Turns out he was the deadest shot in Maycomb and even had a nickname. Atticus could have done many other things when he was younger and doesn't want to tell Jem and Scout. Now that Atticus shot Mr. Harry Johnson's dog I believe that the incident will spread and everyone will talk about Atticus Finch Shooting Tim Robinson. They would either be impressed with Atticus or ridicule him more about the upcoming trail. Including, that I think that Mr. Harry Johnson would be upset that his dog was shot without him knowing. Do you agree? Do you disagree? What do you think? 

1 comment:

  1. First of all, your blog post was really good. You did a really good job summarizing the event of Atticus shooting Tim Robinson in the first paragraph, and I also liked how you included your thoughts and opinions on the situation. I agree with you when you said that people will either be impressed with Atticus, or they will ridicule him even more. Lastly, I really like your memes, they relate well to the situation you are talking about and are unique. Good job!
