Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Thursday, November 8, 2018


I think, first of all, that Atticus was a man of integrity about his talent. His talent would being able to shoot well. This was a thing that he discovered as a child, but he is not boastful about it. He's not showing off something that he didn't work hard for. It also surprised me that Atticus is able to do something like that. I could say my feelings about it were like Scout's. Second of all, this whole thing is really about Atticus being the man that he is, because even though all these hateful things are being told about him, he still doesn't want to quit or let his children turn it into violence. He does not allow Jem the feeling of satisfaction because what Jem did was wrong it Atticus's eyes. He cut up plants of an elderly and ill woman, even though she had said bad things about Atticus's name. Atticus making Jem read to Mrs. DuBose is a good thing that he's teaching his children. I'm very astonished right now, on how Atticus could build so much character. 

In the beginning of our reading, we are left off with Atticus Finch having to shoot Tim Johnson. He was a rabid dog, owned by Harry Johnson. Atticus was the one who had to shoot the rabid dog before it reached anyone and bit them. Atticus shot Tim Johnson, and all it took was one shot. Everyone celebrated and continued to call on Atticus saying he's still got it. Mr. Finch apparently used to be the deadliest shot in town. This was something he was not proud of, but his children were very surprised of this. Atticus never mentioned this to them, but everyone in town had knew it. One day, while Scout and Jem were walking back, Mrs. DuBose was on her porch. She's very old, and rude. Scout had just said "Hey", but Mrs. DuBose didn't like this. She'd rather have her say "Good morning", or something more respectful. Mrs. DuBose also calls Scout ugly, and ridicules her on how she dresses. Then Mrs. DuBose says something about Atticus defending African Americans in very colorful language. This ticked Jem off. One day, when Mrs. DuBose wasn't on her porch, Jem took a baton he bought for Scout, and cut up all of her flowers in her garden. Later on, when Atticus finds out, he makes Jem go apologize to Mrs. DuBose. At the end of the reading, we find out that Jem has to read to Mrs. DuBose for a month, as well as tend to her garden for her.
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  1. I think you are pretty accurate on Atticus and how great his character and moral standard is. Though I disagree with you on Jem while I do believe he deserves a punishment I just do not think it is appropriate for him to help Mrs. Dubose. She said his father lawed for negroes which was very offensive. He should punish him himself, not make him have to read to a woman who really insulted him the father yet you help her out at the cost of your son's work.

  2. I agree with Elianan that you were accurate with Atticus, like what you said abou him that he is a person with integrity in the beginning. I am also surprised that he made the shot and I taught that he was going to miss, but he didnt thankfully. I also agree that Atticus could build a lot of character those chapters and that he never told Jem and Scout that he was a really good shooter back then. Overall Akio you did a pretty nice job on your blog.
