Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Blog post TKAM Chapter 13

Well fist in the chapter Aunt Alexandra is in Maycomb for a visit and Aunt Alexandra and Atticus agreed that she will stay for a while. She is staying because Aunt Alexandra and Atticus it will be best for Scout to have some feminine influence. later Atticus came back from Montgomery. Scout told Atticus that she would love that Aunt Alexandra stayed for a while, but she was actually just lying and did not want her to stay. Then Aunt Alexandra told Scout to come to the front door and that she needs to speak to her cousin Lily and Scout never knew she was her cousin, then after Atticus walk into Jem's room and Atticus told them that they should start to live up to their name and ge said this in a serious voice then later Scout started to cry.

In my opinion I have some family members that annoy me time to time and that when they come my family ask me that are you excited that they are staying here for a while and I say yes, but I am acctually not excited about it. I am really happy that Atticus came back home just because he gives really good advise and he is my favorite character. Then later he tell Scout and Jem something and he said it in a serious voice which got me scared because he never did this with Jem and scout. I agree with Jem that Aunt Alexandra had to be up with this and told Atticus that he had to tell them that. Then later Atticus told Scout to just forget about it.


  1. Very good job Aldo I really like how you explained chapter 13. I mostly like when you put that they should live up their name. I also like that you put your opinion because other students didn't put their opinion. Without an opinion the blog post is just boring. And thank God he changed his mined in the end of the chapter.

  2. I agree with you, that I too have siblings that are moody, and like to annoy me. I was also happy when Atticus came back, but I was a little upset when he started acting like what Alexandra wanted him to be. Atticus should never change his personality for his older sister. I also agree that it was Alexandra had to force Atticus to say the mean things he said to Jem and Scout. I am glad that by the end, Atticus was his old self again.

  3. Nice job Aldo I really like you summary and your opinion about some family members been annoying.I have some siblings that annoy me,Atticus shouldn't of change his mind just because his sister told him to.I like that Atticus changed his mind at the end because I on't like Aunt Alexandra she should just understand that Scout is young.

  4. Good job Aldo, I really enjoyed reading this! I can also agree with you, I have some family members who annoy me sometimes but at the end of the day we are annoying too. Like others have said, Atticus should not change his way of parenting and should not fire Calpurnia just because Aunt Alexandra wants. His way of parenting and having Calpurnia have worked just fine. Aunt Alexandra should let Scout express herself so they can gain a better relationship and maybe when Scout grows up she will be more lady-like.

  5. I definitely agree with you, I also have some family members that get under my skin and that I kinda dislike. However, family is family and they always know what we dislike the most. I also agree with what you said about Atticus changing the way he parents, because of Aunt Alexandra not liking the way he raises HIS children. I personally don't like Aunt Alexandra she tries to control everything, like Scout and even Atticus just because she is his older sister. I hope that she realizes that the way Atticus raises his children is his own choice, not hers. Overall, Nice job.

  6. Good job with your summary, I too have siblings that bother me all the time but it is what makes family special. Atticus shouldn't change himself just because Alexandra told him to. I was glad in the end because Atticus changed back to himself again. No human is perfect and Atticus even listened to his older sister, but he realized that he didn't have to listen to everything she says.

  7. Good job summarizing everything that happened, and I definitely agree with what you said about having relatives stay with me. Atticus is also my favorite haracter and im glad that he is back. I was also kind of scared when he talked to Scout and Jem the way he did, but then he realized what he did and told them to forget about it, which made me happy.
