Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Mock Trial Experience

When I went to the mock trial it was an experience I have never had before. I was really exited and grateful that I was able to go to the mock trial because people would charge a room for about $300 dollars an hour. When I got to the building I thought it looked really beautiful and cool. It was a whole new experience for me when I entered the courtroom. I thought it was really cool seeing what the building looked like and how people study. I thought that the rooms where spectacular because they had comfortable chairs and they had boards that slide up and down so that students can take notes better and quicker. I learned many things like how much it takes to be a lawyer and how a courtroom really feels.

The first thing I did when I got there was to go through the mock trial. I was really excited to experience what really happens in court. The whole trial was a really fun experience because I may have one chance to experience a real courtroom. I thought it was really fun and exciting being the witness. Even though everything was scripted everyone did a good job presenting their parts. There was little mistakes but, everyone did really well. Even though my side didn't win I didn't really care, it was all enjoyable through the experience. I think that this will be a long lasting memory that I won't forget.


  1. I really enjoyed reading about what you thought of the experience of the mock trial. I have similar opinions about the mock trial too. I agree with you on how the classrooms in law school were spectacular as they had the moving boards and comfortable chairs that I wished we had in our classrooms. It really does take a lot of hard work in order to become a lawyer and just get into law school in general. I also agree with your opinion on how even though there were little mistakes and my side (defense) didn't win, the mock trial experience was enjoyable, and it is definitely an experience that will be a long lasting memory.

  2. I really enjoyed hearing about your experience at the mock trail Dang. I do agree with some of your opinions of the courtroom and classrooms. They are modern, with sliding boards, and the chairs are really comfy. This experience, is one I also surely will never forget. Also, our class's parts in the trail were well done, there were minimal mistakes, and people were speaking to the audience, not paper.

  3. It's great that you enjoyed the mock trial. I do agree with you, you yourself did great playing as Alex williams. I also agree that everyone one else did very well on their parts, even though there was minor mistakes. I also think that it was an amazing experience for all of us, since its our last year at BT. Overall, good blog post.
