Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Scout helping out Atticus

One day Atticus tells Jem and Scout that he will be gone for a while and he doesn't say where he's going.We know that Jem and Scout go downtown to see where Atticus went and they find themselves in a jail with Atticus sitting and next to him was a newspaper.Later on some cars pull over and men get out and go in the jail because we know that they want to kill Tom Robinson and Atticus is there  to protect him,he has no weapon,and Scout and Jem don't know this so they were in danger.When they wanted Scout to leave she recognized someone and it was Mr.Cunningham and she reminded him of his child Walter and made him feel bad because Atticus has helped him out and he is their to harm him.Atticus is scared and he wants Scout to leave with Jem and it took a eight year old to stop a gang from killing Tom Robinson.At the end Tom is safe and Mr.Heck tells Atticus that Tom will be safe for the night.

In my opinion I liked this chapter because of Scout dealing with a gang who wanted to harm Tom Robinson.I didn't expect to see Mr.Cunningham part of the group and that got me a little mad because even though he had no money Atticus still helped him and he is their to harm him.What I find funny was that it took a eight year old to stop a group of people from killing someone,she made them feel bad just like Mr.Cunningham.I like that Scout didn't wanted to leave and wanted to stay with atticus even though it was really dangerous and Atticus told her to leave but she never listen to him.Overall this chapter was okay with Tom not getting harmed by a group of dangerous men and Atticus been okay and not harmed,if Scout wasn't there it would of been a different story.


  1. Your blog post was very good. You had a short good summary that summarized the main points of the chapter. I agreed with your opinions on the chapter. I also liked this chapter, and I also found it strange and funny that it took a little eight year old girl to stop these violent men from killing Tom. I also liked that Scout never left when her father told her to, even though she did not quite understand what was happening, she was brave to stay. And good thing she did because like you said, if Scout wasn't there, then there could have been a different outcome.

  2. The summary was really good and a good length. I liked this chapter as well and think that it really showed how diferent someone can be while in a group versus alone. I don't know if it was funny when Scout stoped them, I found it more courageous.

  3. I think you did a good job on this post. I liked the way you summarized the part of the book you were talking about. That way we knew what you were going to talk about. I also agree with you that it is funny that a eight year old girl can stop a mob of violent men that had the idea of killing Tom. Scout didn't understand what was really happening and stated with her father.Atticus also way ver scared not only for Tom and his own life but his children and Dill and if Scout wasn't there Tom could of been killed and Atticus could of been hurt of killed.
