Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, November 12, 2018


 Jem and Scout are going to the store and Jem is getting a steam engine and Scout a baton.They have to go pass a house which a old lady lives in.Her name is Mrs.Dubose she is very old and always has a negative attitude and she is mean to Jem and Scout she tells Scout that she should wear a dress.She corrects the way Jem talks to her,she passed the line when she started to talk about Atticus.She kept saying that Atticus loves protecting African Americans or a lover.Jem got really mad with her so he went to her garden and started to cut her camilas and later on he told Atticus why he did it.Jem had to read to Mrs.Dubose for 2 hours later on we find out that Mrs.Dubose died and she left Jem a box of damp cotton.This showed courage because after all the things that she said to Atticus.

In my opinion I liked this chapter because after all the bad things that Mrs.Dubose talked about she gave Jem a present to show that she was sorry and that everything was okay.I didn't like when Atticus had to put down Tim Johnson with a gun and when Jem broke Scout's baton.I like that even though Mrs.Dubose talked trashed about Atticus he still made Jem read to her and he knew what Mrs.Dubose said about him because Jem told him.If I was Jem I would of done the same thing because nobody likes people talking bad about someone's dad.But at least Mrs.Dubose gave Jem a present before passing away with all the pain she had,she took pills to stop some of the pain that she had.

1 comment:

  1. You did a good job summarizing the main points of the chapter and I enjoyed reading your blog post. I also didn't like the fact that Tim Johnson was killed. Even though Tim Johnson had rabies, it still makes me sad that he died. I also thought that it was mean how Jem broke Scout's baton in two right in front of her. I also liked that Atticus made Jem read to Mrs. Dubose even after everything she said about him and his children. This shows us just what kind of person Atticus is, and that he is a person of character and integrity. Overall, I really enjoyed reading your blog post and your opinions on the chapter. Good job!
