Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Atticus and Uncle Jake

Image result for Scout fight Francis

                                                                                                            chapter 9
In this chapter it is christmas and they have to stay with uncle Jake. aunt Alexandra. and Francis. they told everything about their family and why they hate him. Scout has an issue with her aunt she wants to make her into a lady. However Scout does not so her aunt says she is getting meaner and meaner. So when it is christmas they asked for bb guns and that's what they got. And Jem,Scout wanted to shoot something right away. But Scout wanted to shoot Francis but she couldn't. They went outside Francis said he got pants and something else. Scout said that "cool" and respond that she and Jem got bb guns. But when they got inside it was a different story you have never heard.
Francis was starting to talk trash about Atticus but before this her uncle heard her cuss and said he did not want to hear it again. They start to attack each other with words until Francis said that Atticus is a lover. So then he starts to laugh until Scout punches him in the teeth and gets punches back. Until her aunt and uncle come to separate them,and uncle Jake only heard Francis side so e thought he was right. So Scout got in trouble and when they got home she went running to her room. I would feel the exact same thing if this were to happen to me. But her uncle starts to nock and she says to go away later he goes inside. Scout said he does not understand children as much. Jake told her to proceed she says that Atticus when Jem and I fuss he does not only hear his side but mine to. So than Jake asked what happened and she said Francis was calling Atticus lover and Jake said that he would figure this out. She asked him if he could keep this a secret from Atticus because she would be dead. My opinion on this is that she did the right thing of telling him he was wrong. I would do the same with Francis if he was doing this. Would you do it?              

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your opinion because you always want ti hear both sides of the story and not assume the other kid is right. I would also act the same way if that happened to me because I didn't get to say my side of the story. I would of went and told an adult about what happened instead of hitting Francis. Good job on telling what happened and what you would do if this happened to you.
