Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Calpurnia and Her Background Story

Image result for calpurnia in to kill a mockingbirdAtticus is away on a business trip. Calpurnia is staying with the children and watching them. While Atticus is gone, Calpurnia says she is going to take them to her church. That saturday Calpurnia makes sure that Scout and Jem are really clean also well dressed this makes Jem sad, but he gets over it. On sunday morning Calpurnia is obsessed with making sure that the children look nice and presentable. She says she does this because she doesn't want people saying that she doesn't look after her children. The children learn that their church is very different from Calpurnia. After the song was finish they collect the money that will go toward helping out the Robinsons specifically Helen Toms wife. Reverend Sykes says that they do not have enough and that they need to have ten dollars in total, and that no one was to leave until they had 10 dollars. Eventually they reached 10 dollars by Reverend Sykes calling people out who he knew still had money and everyone could finally leave. Calpurnia and three other only know how to read and that she doesn't know how old she is only that she is older than Atticus. We also know that she has always worked for the Finches and that they have always been good to her. At the end Scout asks if she could go to her house. She said she was always invited to come. Aunt Alexandra is sitting on their front porch as if she was always there.
I think if any wanted to learn it would be great to teach them in there language in Maycomb were more educated it could slowly change the racist people of Maycomb's mind which is almost everyone in their town. Though it would be difficult to motivate them though if only they realized education can take them further in the future with more people. Calpurnia is really good for Scout and Jem and provides a motherly figure for them mostly Scout. She really cares about them and only wants what's best for them. You can tell she really cares that they are represented well and look like respectable young children. I also think that the way that their church is very interesting. The way they sing mostly because it is way different from our way.

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