Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Monday, November 5, 2018

What Blanket?

In chapter 8, Scout was woken up in the middle of night by Atticus. When she went outside, she saw that Miss Maudie's house was on fire. Her dad told Jem and her to stay in front of the Radley house while he helps with Miss Maudie's house. Jem and Scout stayed there until the fire was over and until Atticus called them. When they were at home, Atticus asked Scout about the blanket that was around her. At first, Scout didn't know what he was talking about, then she realized that there was a blanket around her. She didn't know who the blanket belonged to, and she didn't know how it got there, since they didn't move from in front of the Radley house. Jem told her that it was Boo Radley who put the blanket on her, and she didn't even realize it. Scout hated the idea of this, she said that her stomach turned to water and she nearly threw up at the thought of this.

The fact that Boo Radley put a blanket on Scout and she didn't notice is kind of creepy. I would be creeped out if I found out that a neighbor creeped up behind me and put a blanket on me, especially if I thought the neighbor was a crazy serial killer. I get why Scout acted the way she did when she found out that Boo Radley put a blanket on her. I would have probably acted the same if that happened to me. I wonder what would have happened if Scout turned around. What would have happened if she would have seen Boo Radley. We could have found out how he looked like and what he is like if Scout just turned around. The fact that Boo Radley put a blanket on Scout tells us that he could be nice once in a while. Scout was freezing outside, since it snowed that day, and Boo could have put the blanket on her to be nice and make her a little warmer.

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