Reflections on Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" from Blessed Trinity 8th graders.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

TKAM Chapter 4

In this chapter, Scout was heading home from school, and she spotted two oak trees that were at the edge of the Radley house. The trees had knotholes in them, one of the trees contained two pieces wrapped in tin foil, which seemed to look like gum. Scout went to look at the gum, to see if it had anything in it. Scout started to lick and smell the gum, to see if something was going to happen to her. When nothing happened to her she puts the gum in her mouth, Jem then tells Scout to spit it out because she does not know where it has been. Scout then checks out the other tree to find two Indian heads, which look really creepy to her.
 Scout and Jem thought that if Boo Radley had put the Indian heads, and the gum in the tree. I think that Scout and Jem might head into one of Boo Radley's traps, or he just wants to prove that he is nice, and not a creepy old man. In my opinion I think that Boo is an innocent man, people are just ignorant to not know him, and that could be why he does not come out of his house because people will say bad things to him. Do you agree with me or do you not, I think that Boo is a good man, once we get to know him better, or if he would ever come out of his home. If Boo is really a good man, people will probably will feel horrible that they had been so ignorant to not know who he really is, and the rumors that they had spread would be all false.


  1. Good job Alex, I really enjoyed reading this post. I also agree with you, I think Boo placed the gifts in the knot of the tree to see what the kids would do. Maybe he is planning to come out of the house and wanted them to come to him. Maybe the kids along with Atticus would go ask if the Indian-Heads were his and obviously that would be a great opportunity to come out during the day time. This could also be a trap like you said. Boo might want to take revenge and actually do what the people think of him which is that he will kill everyone in Maycomb and would start with Scout and Jem.

  2. I agree with your idea that the kids could be falling for one of Boo's tricks and that the things in the tree were placed there by him to see what the kids would do. I also think that Boo isn't as bad as everyone makes him seem. All the rumors and gossip dramatize how "bad" Boo really is, and it drives him to stay in the house even more.

  3. I really liked and enjoyed reading your blog post. I think you explained the situation of Scout and Jem finding the objects in the Radley tree well, and I agree with what you wrote in this blog post. I agree with you that this might be one of Boo's traps, or Boo just wants to prove that he is actually a nice man to Scout, Jem, and others. I also agree with your thoughts and opinions on how you think that Boo is innocent, and people are just ignorant which is the reason why he does not want to come out since people might say bad things to him. Overall, I think you did a good job on this blog post, Alex.

  4. I definitely agree with you Alex. I think that Arthur(Boo) is just a innocent guy, he might have had a rough past as a teenager but he might have changed for the better. I also think that he has something to do with the gifts, however I not that sure why though. Overall, I liked your blog post and I like how you included your opinion too, Good job.
